Smarter Switch

Smart Switch is a human-sensing light fixture that behaves smarter than the traditional human-sensing light. The light turns on when a human is around, and it dims off rather than turned off when it detects no human movements.

It was designed to exercise Wendy Zhu’s point, in her book - The design of Implicit Interaction, she argues that: What if we had a light switch that dimmed the lights rather than turning them out when it sensed a lack of motion? The method of repair could be much the same—the flapping of the arms to indicate “I’m still here”—but somehow, the level of presumption is less offensive. It is not only important in the interaction to have a path to override but to structure the interaction so that the system seems open to being overridden.

Besides the electronic and the interaction part, the wood is made of Olive wood from Italy, It would be a nice light fixture to put in the hallway or garage. 



A smart switch {MISJUDGEMENT} of room occupancy, followed by {OVERRIDE}.

A smart switch {MISJUDGEMENT} of room occupancy, followed by {OVERRIDE}.

A re-designed smart switch: {MISJUDGEMENT} of room occupancy is followed bydimming rather than extinguishing of lights, followed by {OVERRIDE}.

A re-designed smart switch: {MISJUDGEMENT} of room occupancy is followed by

dimming rather than extinguishing of lights, followed by {OVERRIDE}.

 Documentation & Progress


Skate on light


Phubbing puppets